Ajeya N Ukadgaonkar
Poona Hospital and Research Centre, India
Title: Plasma cyclophilin A : An emerging biomarker of coronary artery disease.
Biography: Ajeya N Ukadgaonkar
Background : Cyclophilin A (CyPA) is a protein released from vascular smooth muscle cells in response to reactive oxygen species and serves as a marker of oxidative stress and inflammation, which play an important role in atherosclerosis. We tested the correlation of plasma CyPA levels with coronary artery disease (CAD) and its risk factors.
Methods and Results : Plasma CyPA levels were tested in 205 consecutive patients undergoing coronary angiography (CAG) by immunoassay based sandwich technique and were correlated with CAG results and traditional risk factors for CAD. The data was analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. We observed that the median CyPA levels were significantly higher in patients with obstructive CAD (11.8 ng/ml with inter quartile range (IQR) of 9.9 - 16 ng/ml), as compared to non obstructive CAD (8.6 ng/ml with IQR of 7.55 - 9.65 ng/ml) and normal coronaries (5.6 ng/ml with IQR of 4.5 - 6.9 ng/ml ) with p value <0.001. The median CyPA levels were significantly higher in patients with diabetes mellitus (11.5 ng/ml in diabetic versus 9 ng/ml in non diabetic patients, p<0.001), males (10 ng/ml in males versus 7.9 ng/ml in females, p<0.001), smokers (10.6 ng/ml in smokers versus 9.2 ng/ml in non smokers, p=0.008) and post menopausal state (8.8 ng/ml in post menopausal women versus 5.2 ng/ml in pre menopausal women, p=0.005). Statistically significant difference was not found in median CyPA levels with other risk factors such as age, hypertension, dyslipidemia and family history.
Conclusion : CyPA is a strong predictor and emerging biomarker of CAD and an easy, reproducible tool to screen the patients with CAD or suspected CAD.
Keywords : Coronary artery disease, Coronary Angiography, Cyclophilin A, Risk factors.
Recent Publications
- Kimio Satoh (2015) Cyclophilin A in Cardiovascular Homeostasis and Diseases. Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 235(1):1-15.
- Ramachandran et al (2014) Plasma level of cyclophilin A is increased in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and suggests presence of vascular disease. Cardiovascular diabetology 13:38.
- Satoh K, Fukumoto Y, Sugimura K, Miura Y, Aoki T, Nochioka K et al (2013) Plasma cyclophilin A is a novel biomarker for coronary artery disease. Circulation journal 77(2) : 447 –55.
- Nigro P., Satoh K., O’Dell M.R., Soe N.N., Cui Z., Mohan A (2011) Cyclophilin A is an inflammatory mediator that promotes atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Journal of experimental medicine 208(1) : 53-66.
- Satoh K, Shimokawa H, Berk BC (2010) Cyclophilin A: Promising new target in cardiovascular therapy. Circulation journal 74(11) : 2249 –56.
- Satoh K, Matoba T, Suzuki J, O’Dell MR, Nigro P, Cui Z et al (2008) Cyclophilin A mediates vascular remodeling by promoting inflammation and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Circulation 117(24) : 3088 –98.