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Kunlun He

Kunlun He

Chinese PLA General Hospital, China

Title: Kv4.3 Modulates the distribution of herg


Biography: Kunlun He


This study examines the interaction between hERG and Kv4.3. The functional interaction between hERG and Kv4.3,
expressed in a heterologous cell line, was studied using patch clamp techniques, western blot, immunofluorescence and
co-immunoprecipitation. Co-expression of Kv4.3 with hERG increased hERG current density (tail current after a step to +10
mV: 26±3 versus 56±7 pA/pF, p<0.01). Kv4.3 co-expression also increased the protein expression and promoted the membrane
localization of hERG. Western blot showed Kv4.3 increased hERG expression by Hsp70. hERG and Kv4.3 co-localized and
co-immunoprecipitated in cultured 293T cells, indicating physical interactions between hERG and Kv4.3 proteins in vitro. In
addition, Hsp70 interacted with hERG and Kv4.3 respectively and formed complexes with hERG and Kv4.3. The α subunit of
Ito Kv4.3 can interact with and modify the localization of the α subunit of IKr hERG, thus providing potentially novel insights
into the molecular mechanism of the malignant ventricular arrhythmia in heart failure.